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Commissioning of waste thermal treatment plant КТО-50.К20.П in Komsomolsk-on-Amur is completed

On June, the incinerator КТО-50.К20.П has been commissioned in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. The equipment was ordered by the company, which specializes on sanitary and industrial waste utilization, including oil sludge. According to the agreement, the plant [..] 

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Safe Technologies celebrated the Day of Environment by the adoption of the Environmental Policy

World Environment Day was marked by an important event in the Safe Technologies. Today the company presented to a public the environmental policy, a document that defines the approach in matters of environmental protection. Since 2000, Safe Technologies [..] 

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Waste thermal treatment plant КТО certified by Seismic Resistance

On 20th of May Seismic Resistance Certificate for waste thermal treatment plant manufacturing was received by Safe Technologies. Seismic resistance certificates are issued based on the seismic stability of test results and confirms that work or the usage [..] 

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КТО-50.К20.П successfully operates in Ulyanovsk

The incinerator КТО-50.К20.П for the OOO PRIOR  has manufactured by Safe Technologies and shipped to Ulyanovsk. КТО-50.К20.П is a mobile equipment that allows OOO PRIOR to establish environmentally safe disposal of sanitary and industrial waste. The [..] 

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The incinerator for medical waste КТО-50.К20.П is commissioned

On 7th of May the waste thermal treatment plant КТО-50.К20.П has been shipped to Republic of Bashkortostan. The equipment is designed for the thermal treatment of the medical waste from health care institutions. КТО-50.К20.П will be installed [..] 

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Two units of incinerators КТО-50.К20.П are placed into operation: erection supervision work and commissioning are completed

Waste thermal treatment facility, brand name КТО-50.К20.П under the order of the Ministry of Defense is successfully designed and commissioned. КТО-50.К20.П. is equipped with an automated process control system. The plant is developed for the [..] 

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КТО-50.К20.П is placed on Bashneft oil field

On 27th of January КТО-50.К20.П was shipped to Trebs and Titov oil fields in the Timan-Pechora Basin in Nenets Autonomous District, Russia. The incinerator is designed for treatment of all kinds of waste, which generated in the oil field. This includes [..] 

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КТО-50.К40 is shipped to the Customer

On 19th of January incinerator КТО-50.К40 was shipped to Messoyakhskoye field from Sosnovy Mechanical Plant industrial site, which is the part of Safe Technologies IG. The main reason of the difficulties in dealing with waste on the fields is poor [..] 

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Incinerator КТО-50.К20.П will installed at the largest oil field in Russia

Incinerator КТО-50.К20.П will be supplied to largest oil field in the Nenets Autonomous District by the order of Bashneft. Oilfield named after Titov is one of the largest continental fields in Russia, located in the northeastern part of the Nenets [..] 

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The entire range of incinerators obtained the positive conclusion of State Environmental Expert Review

Safe Technologies Industrial Group has received positive conclusion of the State Ecological Expertise, which confirms waste thermal treatment facilities, meets the environmental standards and ensures their safety for the environment. The conclusion covers [..] 

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